Super Duper MOO

Started March 13, 2008

The Super Duper MOO is a generic text-based game/world engine that can be used to make a diverse range of games and interactive environments. I started it as a fun project to relax and don't have much experience playing MUDs or MOOs myself. It has multiple connection protocols such as telnet and IRC to make it more accessable to a wider audience through the reuse of existing client software. Data is stored in xml files for easy expansion and manual editing if needed. Originally written in C, it was rewritten in C++ in 2010. A custom scripting language based on Scheme has been integrated in order to provide logic coding for the game data itself. The engine/language use a prototype-based object oriented system, like the original LambdaMOO engine which provided much of the inspiration. Despite many hours of work, no official releases were ever made. It has largely been superseded by the IRCMOO project, written in python.


There shouldn't be a need to change anything before compiling, but there are some basic settings in After compiling, a single binary named 'moo' will be created in bin/.

tar -xvzf sdm.tar.gz
cd sdm
bin/moo -l code/core.moo

Note: All paths are relative to the data directory, which defaults to data/, so the correct way to run the program is with 'code/core.moo' and not 'data/code/core.moo'


Basic Example of an Object

(define *global*.thing (root:clone))

(define "generic-thing")
(define thing.title "something")
(define thing.description "You're not sure what it is.")

(define thing:move (lambda (this where)
    (define was this.location)
    (if (and (not (null? was)) (not (was.contents:remove this)))
    (define this.location where)
    (where.contents:push this)

(define thing:look_self (lambda (this)
    (user:tell (expand "<lightgreen>$this.description"))

This is just a quick example to give a feel for the scripting language. First, the root object is cloned and the newly created object is assigned to the global name 'thing'. Some properties of the new object are set, and then 2 methods are defined. The 'move' method is called when the object is moved from one location to another and the 'look_self' method is called when the user looks at this object.

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